Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"They Keep Taking My Things"

This is a common accusation from people with dementia - even though most of the time it stems from forgetfulness about where he/she put the item.  I like to help the patient establish a procedural ritual with those items.  That means that I want the habit of putting the item in it's "home" to become automatic for the patient.  I have to make the "home" colorful because people with dementia need 4x as much color contrast as the average person so neon colors work great.  Common items are dentures, glasses, hearing aides, canes, purses, wallets, and money.  Create this colorful home for the item and practice with the patient over and over placing the item in it's new "home' ...I like to tell him/her that we're going to "hide" the item (if they are really paranoid about theft).  It takes 3 weeks to establish a new habit with a patient so plan on spending a few weeks establishing this new ritual.  You can watch for progress as they need less and less help to find the "home", put their item away, and then retrieve it again.  Also watch the patient become less and less anxious about someone taking the item.

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